Our writers

Stephen Condor

Paulette Holmes

Mary Onions

Philip Glascoe

Pippa Gladhill

Paul McNally

Libby Bernard

Meet the Team

Stephen Condor

Stephen Condor


A writer of dark comedy plays and, as SR Condor, cosy mystery novels. He lives in Whitstable with his demanding rescue cat, Fynley. 



For Stage

RSVP  A full-length comedy about a garden party from hell. Performances include Faversham, Kent and Inglewood, Canada.

A Christmas Carol - A Ghost Story   An adaptation of the Dickens short story written for Kent Coast Theatre.

Guns & Roses  A one-act play about a hairdresser on the edge.

3 short plays (Wrath, Gluttony, & Pride) winning submissions in The Maurice Patterson One Act Play Festival.

Be Kind Short play - Garlinge Theatre


For Broadcast

The Dig Short play produced for podcast by Bitter Pill Theatre  https://www.bitterpilltheatre.com/painkillerpodcast


Novels (as SR Condor)

Chris on a Bike                    

Chris and the Vice Squad

Paulette Holmes

Paulette Holmes aka Aunty Eggy

Afro-Caribbean-British heritage.

A former university lecturer now fully retired. Working extensively with Daylight Robbery Co.

Ambitious to help put the ‘missing ones’ on the literary world map - whatever their cultural, physical, or socio-economic situations. They deserve to be heard and seen. As Marian Wright Edelman’s said,  ‘You can’t be what you cannot see.’


Looking for theatres and agents for the following:


 Fifty Shades of Grey: The prequel’ A sample story told in micro fiction, enjoyed by a small appreciative audience on Fan fiction. Username: phlettie.

Where’s MY Santa?  - about representation and determination to update the status quo.  


Half Pint-sized theatre e.g.

Out of time – Putin’s adopted mother visits  his secret hideout bringing food and wine, as usual, and, because she thinks he is crazy, and feels responsible, lethal poison for both of them.

Black and White – About Vitiligo but also about identity, perspective, character and beauty.

Over the Edge -  County-lines-drug-runner (17) loses her life when her girlfriend dumps her for a boy.  Acid, a breeze, a knife and a signal-free rooftop take everything else.

TV series

Casualty (2045) – Explosive series set in the digital/AI medical world, @ Tommies, London as nature feasts on and kills humans on a colossal scale.

Theatre play- 3 Acts

Fix Up Look Sharp - #Metoo-Domestic.

Reporting a 30yr old rape unleashes more grief than relief for Black-British Designer, Shonda (38) and destroys ‘What happens at home, stays at home’ and ‘Silence is violence.’

It leaves Shonda abandoned by her Sistren, a social pariah within her community and increasingly isolated, at home, amongst her designs with her father taking on additional roles of mentor, friend and assistant.

Mary Onions

Mary Onions has been a journalist and a drama teacher and is now concentrating on writing. She has won awards for her short stories and has had plays performed at venues in Faversham, St. Albans and in Canterbury.

She is a member of the Marlowe Artists' Network and the Marlowe Writers Room where her play Finding Turner is being developed under the guidance of the Marlowe Dramaturg, Leo Butler.

She is always looking for new opportunities to showcase her writing.



That Sinking Feeling at The Arden Theatre Faversham (February 2024)

Assemble with Care at The Abbey Theatre, St. Albans (July 2024)

The Fourth Witch of Faversham at The Arden Theatre Faversham (May 2024)

The Fourth Witch (Extended version) at The Faversham Fringe (October 2024)

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear at The Garlinge Theate, Canterbury (December 2024)

Coming soon

Flying Start at The Inkfest Festival, Suffolk (April 2025)

Daylight Robbery Showcase, at The Arden Theatre (May 2025)

Libby Bernard

Libby Bernard

Libby Bernard has a Diploma in Media (Screenwriting) from Birkbeck College London. After
completing 3 film scripts, she decided that writing for film or television was not what she wanted to
do. She returned to her first love, theatre, and since then has been inspired and energised to
commit to playwriting, with the help and support of the talented Daylight Robbers group.
Libby has had short pieces performed in Canterbury and Faversham and has just completed a full-
length play, How to Write a Diet Book, which will be entered for competitions this year. She is also
interested in writing for children to introduce them to theatre. She feels strongly that in this age of
streaming, computer games and mobile phones, young people need access to live theatre more than

Pippa Gladhill

Pippa Gladhill is a playwright and short form fiction writer. She lives in North Kent.
Writing credits include:
Ends and Means: Water Rats, London, Page2Stage,

49 Saplings, Garlinge Theatre Kent,

Sink Hole, Showcase, Arden Theatre, Faversham,

Weather, Round Peg Theatre, Drayton Arms, London,

Pie Lottery, the egg theatre, Bath, and ArdenTheatre,

Alice Seeks Silence Out of Your Mind Festival, the egg theatre, Bath and superwoman new writing festival, theatre53two, Manchester,

City, Alma Theatre, Bristol,

Happy Pets, Nova Showcase at Theatre Royal Bath, Trees, Modern Heresies Festival, Marlow Theatre Studio

Numerous short story broadcasts. Credits include

Maudie, Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra, about a fictional figurehead on the SS Great Britain commissioned for History series,

Knit One, Purl One, Radio 4 broadcast live from Bath Literature Festival,

Face Value, read by Stephanie Cole, Radio 4 broadcast live from Bath Literature Festival,

The Present, Radio 4, read by Harriet Walter, and All at Sea Radio 3 commission for Fictuality series, dramatic monologue intertwined with real BBC newsclips.

Her stories have been published by Arachne press, The London Reader, Bandit Fiction


Her stories have been read at many live lit events throughout the UK, including Greenwich Observatory, Waterstones, Sunderland, Wyvern Theatre Swindon, Greenwich University, Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, and Courage Copse creatives in a wood at night in Devon.

Winner Orange New Voices,

Finalist University of Sunderland/ Waterstones Short
story competition,

Short listed and long listed for the Bridport.

She has received two awards from Arts Council England to support her writing, plus bursaries from ArtsMatrix and South West Arts

The Whale, short story. Commissioned by Revelation, live lit salon created by White Rabbit may be seen here

website. www.pippagladhill.co.uk

Philip Glascoe

Philip Glascoe 
When I retired, I decided to join a playwriting group run by the Marlowe Theatre. As Istarted to write my first scene, I realised that in all the reports and documents I hadwritten over the years, there was not a single line of dialogue! It was a salutary moment.
Concurrently, I augmented my experience of dramatic work by using the lines ofother playwrights in an acting company, also run by the Marlowe; here my understanding of stagecraft benefitted from the generosity of other members of the company.
My dialogue has much improved as has the variety of my plays. Today they include one about a fire in a Tower Block, inspired by Grenfell, various monologues, a play about Guy Fawkes and what might have happened had he succeeded; a Sherlock Holmes story (referenced by Dr Watson but not written up); plays mystical and mysterious, and numerous competition pieces, some of which have been performed at the Arden in Faversham’.
Covid brought my acting career to an end, but not before I appeared in several Shakespeare productions including Richard III (in the Cathedral Crypt) and the Tempest, which toured venues across Kent. Perhaps the most stunning was Return of the Uknown (honouring the Unknown Warrier and the Centenary of the Armistice) in November 2018 at the Dover Cruise Terminal, on a stage more than a quarter of mile long (we moved the audience around) with a cast of over nine hundred.

Paul McNally

Paul graduated with an MA in Screenwriting from Royal Holloway in 2011, receiving a Distinction, and for which he was awarded the David Lean Scholarship by the David Lean Foundation. He’s written shorts and
TV & feature scripts (two of which have been optioned) and radio plays including Rocket Science, which was broadcast in the BBC’s 7th Dimension series. A 20-min short, Hello Sunshine, garnered more than 30 film festival Official Selections. (Cast features Lysette Anthony, Sara Stewart & Simon Paisley-Day). He is currently working on a spec TV series Why Can’t I Work with Radiohead, set in the 90’s and following the hit & miss trajectory of a female music video director.

More recently he has been exploring writing for the stage and his play Bet Like a Man was selected forthe Barons Court Theatre 2024 Reboot Festival.

He has also had work performed at the Arden Theatre in Faversham, The Marlowe Studio in Canterbury and showcased by Rocliffe and TAPS. His play “MyGeneration”, is being developed with the help of the Marlowe Theatre Advanced Playwriting group and
mentored by dramaturg, Leo Butler.